Monday, December 6, 2010

Sexy Beast IX by Vonna Harper

Fascinating shapeshifters' anthology

I read the stories in the order they're printed in the book, but I'm reviewing them by the way I like them the most.

"Between Lovers" is brilliantly written by Crystal Jordan, an author I'd never heard of before. Whose distinguished and clear voice got me since the first page. She has a unique way to draw in her character's emotional turmoil while putting them through the best sex ever.

Rhiannon is traumatized by the abuse endured at the hands of a serial killer. Who turned her into a Between, a shape-shifting race that recently became known to the world. After being rescued, all she wants is to tell the world the evil deeds someone from this new race did to her friends and to her. Sharing this information could risk the fragile trust human kind has in the Betweens. She is taken to the Between's island and during her stay she falls into a different kind of captivity.

Elan, the handsome and tortured king of the shapeshifters' nation, hesitates to execute Rhiannon to prevent her from revealing the truth about the Between killer. Instead, he allows her to spend time with his people. Elan is amazed by Rhiannon's charm and fresh personality, in spite of her traumatic experience.

What starts as a sexual play escalates into mutual healing, forcing both to face their greatest fears in a heartbreaking ride into love that ends up being the ultimate love affair. Elan and Rhiannon lovemaking ventures in nearly every avenue of erotism. "Between Lovers" by Crystal Jordan makes it worthy for anyone to get this book.

"Amber Fire" by Lisa Renee Jones, jumps straight into action by the second page, keeping me engaged until the last one. It's a sultry paranormal beautifully narrated with great character's development. Another writer whose stories I will be looking forward to read in the future. An interesting element in Amber Fire is the way the romance is woven with the erotism, and the danger threatening Amber and Jareth. Who happens to be a Yaguara's sentinel, protecting the mystical shape-shifting race, whose secrets Amber is trying to unveil. She ignores that from the Yaguara's past will depend her future.

About On The Prowl by Vonna Harper. I admit picking up this anthology because of Vonna Harper's name, whose books I enjoyed in the past. Her On The Prowl, is a wild erotic paranormal fantasy. Where Jori, a zoologist meets Rhodes while traveling the Indian jungle trying to collect a white tiger for the institution she works. One needs to suspend one's disbelief a lot on this one. It's professionally written by Vonna Harper, but something is missing. The sex is well depicted, but I felt the author needed more space to develop her characters in the way she usually does. This story is the reason this book got four stars instead of five.

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